Law Of Friction:
Anonton’s First Law:- According to this Law, the friction between two solids is
independent of the area of contact. For
example a Bricks slides over a flat
surface than the friction will be same whether it is sliding on its end or its
side or its base, because the actual area of contact is always smaller than the
apparent area.
Anonton’s Second Law:- According to this Law, the friction force is proportional to the
load exerted by one surface over the another . For example- If a brick is
placed on the Top of the another brick the friction will be doubled and the
another brick is placed on the second brick, than the friction will get trebled
and so on.
f α w
f= Kw K or µ=
coefficient of friction
µ or K= f/w f= friction, w=weight(load)
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