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Showing posts from June, 2016

Types of Attacks

Types of Attacks:-     We shall classify attacks with respect to two views: the common person’s view and a technologist’s vies. 1      Attacks: A General View                                             From a common person’s point of view, we can classify attacks into three categories, as shown below. Criminal Attacks    criminal attacks are the simplest to understand. Here, the sole aim of the attackers is to maximize financial gain by attacking computer systems. The lists some forms of criminal attacks. Attack Description Fraud     Scams             Destruction           Identity theft             Intellectual property theft   Brand theft Modern fraud attacks concentrate on manipulating some aspects of electronic currency, credit cards, electronic stock certificates, checks, letters of credit, purchase orders, ATMs, etc. Scams come in various forms, some of the most co


Firewalls:- .1 Introduction:-      The dramatic rise and progress of the Internet has opened possibilities that no one would have thought of. We can connect any computer in the world to any other computer, no matter how far the two are located form each other. This is undoubtedly a great advantage for individuals and corporate as well. However, this can be a nightmare for network support staff, which is left with a very difficult job of trying to protect the corporate network from a variety of network. At a broad level, there are two kinds of attacks: ·          Most corporations have large amounts of valuable and confidential data in their networks. Leaking of this critical information to competitors can be a great setback. ·          Apart from the danger of the insider information leaking out, there is a great danger of the outside elements (such as viruses and worms) entering a corporate network to create havoc. We can depict this situation as shown in Fig.1