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Showing posts from May, 2016

cryptography and network security

Attacks on Computers and Computer Security Before we understand the various concept and technical issues related to security (i.e. trying to understand how to protect), it is essential to know what we are trying to protect. The various dangers when we use computers, computer networks and the biggest network of them all, the Internet and the likely pitfalls. The consequences of not setting up the right security policies, framework and technology implementations. This topic attempts to clarify these basic concepts.  Why is security in the first place? People sometime say that security is like statistics: the extent of data it reveals is trivial, the extent of data it conceals is vital! In other words, the right security infrastructure opens up just enough doors that are mandatory. It protects everything else. We discuss a few real-life incidents that should prove beyond doubt that security cannot simply be compromised. Especially these days when serious business and other type